Friday, September 10, 2010

" RAIN "

It has been raining for days
Weather has never been so awesome
Mysterious clouds all over
No one knows
When the downpour occurs
I am enjoying it
Entourage of good buddies
Along the Rajpur road
Getting wet
Riding bike and splashing water
Overhanging trees through the valley
Cool gush of wind
A hot cup of tea 
Some spicy snacks
Old gossips mixed with some new one's
Oh! God this is boon.

It has been raining for days
I don’t remember
When nature was so furious ever
Two crore nomads
In the plains of Indus
In the land of five rivers
No shelter
No food
Some loved ones are missing
Water everywhere
As far as my eyes can see
But still it is scarce
Once called brothers
Are now the dacoits
Once called terrorists
Are now angels
Helping the affected
There motive unknown
May be to get some recruits
Some more bombings
Some more blood
In the name of the God
Who only preached "peace"
Oh! God this is bane

It has been raining for days
The weather has never been like this before
We are too small
To challenge your supremacy
What is it God?
Is it a boon or bane.